While I’ve been working on decluttering and spending consistently less since starting my PF journey, I don’t think I’ve really thought about the consumerism part of it until last year.…
Holidays causing you to feel stuffed? Try a different type of detox, a spending fast. And save some money while you’re at it too! Holidays got you feeling full? If…
The following has been provided by an online contact. Most people are at least vaguely aware that its a bad idea to spend too much money online. Shopping is one…
FinX, which is brought to FinCon by the Center For Financial Services Innovation or otherwise known as CFSI, is an event that strives to open consumers eyes to issues that…
I remember happily, but very naively, skipping down to the financial aid office my first semester of school. Why yes, I DO need extra money and will take out the…
Last week, I sat in on a suicide prevention training. People from all walks of life sat with me as we learned warning signs, questions to ask and approaches to…
Sooooo. One thing you will never have to worry about with me is honesty. I wasn’t always this honest, but I’m not really good hiding my emotions either. I am,…
Every month I’ll be recapping my 2018 goals for accountability. This is 3 or 4 of a monthly installment. I say 3 or 4 because I forget. Enjoy! 🙂 I…
Growing up in a half-Latino household meant there was no time for dust. From sun up to sun down, my Abuela spent every minute being productive. Whether it was driving…
As a Money Smart Latina, I’m constantly looking for ways to spend less. Seriously, the other day when I heard my friend was going to Costco I asked her to…