The following has been provided by an online contact. Most people are at least vaguely aware that its a bad idea to spend too much money online. Shopping is one…
FinX, which is brought to FinCon by the Center For Financial Services Innovation or otherwise known as CFSI, is an event that strives to open consumers eyes to issues that…
This past week, I went and hung out with a bunch of money nerds. Two thousand of them, to be exact. FinCon, created by Phillip Taylor, is a conference that…
I remember happily, but very naively, skipping down to the financial aid office my first semester of school. Why yes, I DO need extra money and will take out the…
Last week, I sat in on a suicide prevention training. People from all walks of life sat with me as we learned warning signs, questions to ask and approaches to…

When I had first heard of the term FIRE (Financial Independence, Retire Early) I was baffled. “People actually do this?!” I asked my fellow bloggers. Sure, I knew of people…
Sooooo. One thing you will never have to worry about with me is honesty. I wasn’t always this honest, but I’m not really good hiding my emotions either. I am,…
Confession time! I pride myself on being real with others so I’m about to be real with you. The past few weeks I’ve been slacking. I know, I KNOW! We all have…
Every month I’ll be recapping my 2018 goals for accountability. This is 3 or 4 of a monthly installment. I say 3 or 4 because I forget. Enjoy! 🙂 I…
Looking to not spend an arm and a leg on your new cat lady status? I’ve got you covered fellow cat lady! I picked up my child on Feb 4th,…