May was not the greatest for me. I had a funeral to attend to that messed me up, I’ve been splitting ( I have BPD) and I found myself struggling with my back again. I was in and out of urgent care, laid on my back and just in pain.
But I also got to spend time with friends, try new things and I am growing my business. So it’s not all bad but it’s not all good.
- Find my flow. I have an increased work load for my side business this month and it’s very possible I’ll continue with it going forward. I figured out that I would like to spend at least 15 hours a week on my business ( including this site and clients) so I need to figure out a way to get my additional work done.
- Take care of myself. This includes therapy every week, praying, working out twice a week, eating healthy, taking my supplements, sleeping ( it’s hard with back pain) and going to all of my doctor appointments.
- Have fun in San Francisco. I’ll be going to visit a friend and her family at the end of the month and I am so freaking excited! My bucket list includes, Castro, Alcatraz, meeting up with friends and eating good food. Any other suggestions?
- Read three books. I am still working on IT. And I would like to finish The Cook Up and True Crime Addict since they have been on my nightstand for a month.
Anyone have anything exciting going on?