Setting Goals, Part Two


Back in January, I shared how to set S.M.A.R.T goals and today I am here to share a few more of my goal setting tips!

Figure out your “big” thing
Between being a full time student at a major university and a full time employee, plus friend, girlfriend, blogger, etc. , my hands are pretty full with life. Without setting goals and breaking them down into steps every month, I wouldn’t be able to get as much done as I’d like and I’d feel like I was floating. Even though I do feel anxious and overwhelmed at times with life, I always can reflect on what my goals are and what needs to be done to accomplish them. How am I able to do this without being a hot mess most of the time?

I focus on the “big” thing that needs to be accomplished before anything else. My “big” thing at the moment is my education and trying my hardest to get good grades. So, whenever I feel overwhelmed with my huge list, I do what absolutely needs to be done to ensure my big thing is accomplished. Remember what is the most important to you and make sure you don’t lose focus on that. Sure, I’m not always fun when I lock myself in my room to study or take test but I know it’s my “big” thing and treasure it.

If goals are overwhelming, try a power word.
Last year, I was in a weird place. I had just broken up with my ex boyfriend at the time and moved in with a new roommate. I was in a city that although I had made friends, I only had two good ones which left me feeling isolated. I wasn’t sure what I wanted to work on or where to even start so I focused on a power word for the year, mindfulness. Everyday I tried to focus on the situation on hand and just be positive and open to new opportunities.

I can easily say 2014 was one of my greatest years. I went back to school, won a national award, saved up enough money to get my own apartment, traveled all over the U.S and met someone who has been pretty awesome for this season in my life.  I worked on myself and while working on myself is a continuous process, remembering my power word really helped me. Sometimes a big list of goals when we’re not sure what we want is fluff but focusing on a word you resonate with can help tremendously.

To Do List & Baby Steps Are Key
I get overwhelmed and anxious way more than the average person sometimes. When I feel this way, working on my goals is the last thing I can even imagine doing sometimes. Who wants to write a paper when their brain is fried after teaching all day? Instead of cracking out a full 5 page paper, I’ll start an outline or do research and then save the next step for another day. Instead of studying 5+ hours for a mid-term, I’ll do a chapter a night leading up to it for a week prior. It’s hard to do everything at once but by breaking it up and keeping a running to do list, it’s easier to accomplish and not as intimidating.

What do you do to accomplish your goals with ease?

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