February Goals

Hello 2017 and hello friends. I haven’t been around in a hot minute and I’ll tell you why, including a few more posts regarding how I found out, what treatment has been like and my ongoing mental state but in a few words, I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer right before Christmas. 

It’s been rough, needless to say, especially since I feel like my body is in a never ending battle with itself due to all of my auto immune issues. In an attempt to feel better and to help my mental state, I thought getting back into a routine and blogging could do me wonders and you know how I am about my goals.

  1. Really think about my week and plan it. I really need to think about my health and my immune system at the moment and this includes planning out my week. I thought I would be okay jumping into my old life but my body is quickly shutting that down. So I need to make time for errands and time for rest. If I plan to go out, I need to stay home the next day. Basically, if I do anything, I need to make sure I can rest after.
  2. Eat as healthy as possible! I need to eat as healthy as I can. I don’t properly plan like I mentioned before and end up spending too much on take out and then feel crummy. So I’ll be cooking and packing my lunch and making sure I have snacks in my purse. I think this will help with my immune system as well. 
  3. Read six books. ( Self explanatory)
  4. Catch up with clients. I’ve taken time off and put a few on hold so I need to catch up and see what my services are looking like moving forward.
  5. Do taxes. ( self explanatory) 
  6. Organize my finances. I started doing this last month but got side tracked. I enjoy doing my budget and finance goals quarterly but I need to update it with new medical bills and expenses.

I think that’s about it! Just enough to keep myself busy and take care of business while resting. What do you have on the agenda?


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