January Goals Update- I have bronchitis edition

Well, to be more specific, I have bronchitis plus fluid in my lungs PLUS a bacterial infection but I don’t think anyone is really counting. Since it’s the end of the month and the beginning of a new one, I wanted to dust off the blog and revisit my goals as well as give some, updates?, of what I’ve been thinking lately. Since I’m all hyped up on Nyquil and might as well.

  • Make $500 in side income. ( continue with part-time job hustle and work harder for social media client.) PASS!
  • Turn in all work reimbursements. PASS!
  • Be caught up in all data for my day job. FAIL!
  • Save $300 in my e-fund. ( H will be here starting in February for a month so I think I am okay not saving in my travel fund this month) PASS!
  • Read 5 books. FAIL!
  • Stay organized and make a calendar for all of my assignments this semester. FAIL
  • Continue to declutter and pack if possible. ( Top of closet, dresser and boxes in garage!) PASS! 
  • Lose 6 lbs ( walk 30 minutes everyday and eat lo-carb no sugar like I am suppose to according to my doctor.) PASS!
  • Post here at MSL eight times. Anything you’d like to see?  FAIL!


I passed the majority of my goals which is a huge plus but I didn’t pass all of them. I think I have all the time in the world to do everything and then when I can’t accomplish everything I want to, I end up crying to my therapist and my boyfriend.I felt really good coming home earlier this month from vacation and then I saw an unexpected letter regarding a legal issue that has been hanging over my head for the past three years. I don’t feel comfortable going into a lot of detail except that the news I received has ended in endless nights of unrest, digestion issues, crying fits and other related symptoms of stress. It has seriously effected everything although I try my hardest not to let it.

I just feel like every time I get things settled and feel comfortable to take on more or work on something additional, something falls and I end up with a minor setback. And maybe this isn’t anything more than what being an actual adult entails at the end of the day. But also? I am doing a lot at this time in my life. And I’ve had to really evaluate what I wish to keep pursuing and what at this time can be let go. And as stressed out as I may seem to be, I have to stay positive and grateful because I have some amazing things in my life right now that don’t deserve to be NOT enjoyed. I’ve had some amazing opportunities fall into my lap lately because of where I put my time and energy to last semester and I may say, it served me well. Things I never knew were options were offered and I don’t think the shock of it has fully hit me yet.

I was offered an opportunity to go study abroad in Israel this summer! It just so happens that it aligns when I’ll be off from school for the summer and from work. So, although I may have bit my fingers and wondered how I’ll finance it, I decided to go ahead and accept! Not only will I get six college credits but I’ll have the chance of a lifetime to visit Israel, the holy land. I can’t wait to visit the Dead Sea and most importantly, the Wailing Wall. My principal at school told me it’s the closest place to Heaven on Earth and I am looking forward to placing a note in the wall. I wanted to work on my faith again this year and after I announced it to the universe, this opportunity came into my inbox via email. Lord, I am listening!

I’m also considering graduate school after receiving an email based on my academic excellence from last semester. I was contacting to meet with the department to see research options available for fellowships and assistant possessions that allow living stipends. Again, I never really considered graduate school based on the cost and told the universe the only way I would attend would be if I could receive a fellowship and a living stipend so the universe must want me to know this is an option after all.

And last but not least, I moved last weekend into my very own apartment! As in BY MYSELF! I’ve never lived alone and for some reason never thought I could. I was never comfortable with the idea of living on my own and had always lived with others via boyfriends or roommates since I was 21. I decided to move out for various reasons but the main reason is for me to prove to myself I can. I know it sounds silly but I doubt myself for various reasons in everything from relationships to school to professionally. I can be irrational and cry at the drop of a hat. I have abandonment issues and hate doing everything and anything by myself. Really, it’s kinda sad. I get lonely often and sad. But, I need to learn how to be comfortable alone. I need to learn to do things on my own. Because I’m 29 and I may never have this opportunity again so I wanted to go for it. I signed the lease for a year and I also allowed myself to adopt a new cat! A cat ( and any animal) is a huge financial commitment but so is living on your own and I don’t think I’ll ever feel ready so I decided just to go for it. He’s coming home on Wednesday. 🙂

What has the new year brought you?


  • Petrish @ Debt Free Martini
    Posted February 3, 2015 5:55 am 0Likes

    Congrats on your first place. You never forget your first place and it is a major accomplishment. Have fun in Israel….it can turn out to be one of the best of many experiences in your life. Do what you need to get there and have fun.

  • The Asian Pear
    Posted February 3, 2015 11:55 am 0Likes

    Woah. Israel? How exciting. How long? 4 months?

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